What is it?
It is a simple portfolio website. It stores all your different projects, helping people keep track of their achievements. This is especially useful to keep record and feel proud of what you’ve done.
- You can store pictures and links of all those tutorials you’ve done or all those final projects of classes that just get forgotten most of the time.
- It lets you look at other people’s projects, letting you have a better idea of what they have worked with.
- Look at popular projects to see what is being done by others
- Look at liked projects to see what people enjoy seeing
Test the site here.
Future Work
Some features to add would be:
- filter projects based on views, likes
- add tags to projects
- filter projects based on tags
- filter projects based on location (see projects done near you)
- add location to projects
- upgrade to rails
- be able to upload pictures and files, instead of image and file links
Feel free to add suggestions on my github :)!
My experience
I had a blast working with Sinatra. It is very similar to nodejs, which I have had previous experience working with in the past. I used corneal, which is a ruby gem that allows you to generate websites with Sinatra way faster. I highly recommend it to anyone using Sinatra.
For this project, I wanted to make a website as practical as possible. I learned that keeping track of your successes and accomplishments is an excellent skill for the 21st century. To help others with this, I wanted to make a tool to make this easier than it is, since it isn’t being done my many. It would impact a lot of people’s lives in a positive way.
Design is vital to a website. If a website doesn’t look good, it won’t be used. I applied bootstrap to help make the page look nicer, but it is something I want to revisit afterwards to make it more useful, attractive, and intuitive.
I will keep working on this idea when I gather more knowledge and skills to improve it. If it improves the life of just one person, then it will have definitely been worth it.